Studio Legale a Genova


The mission of the Barabino Law Firms is to protect, their Clients’s company competitiveness by minimizing the financial risks (such as revocation of a domain concession, imposition of administrative sanctions or application of fines and penalties), deriving from strict laws and regulations concerning the matter of concessions.

For these purposes, can provide to their Clients a long-term collaboration regarding the economic sustainability of their structure and assets, with the intent of adjusting, or dismissing, no longer productive branches of their Societies.



Lorenzo Barabino holds a Master’s Degree in Urban Law obtained at the Public University of Genova, final dissertation on the urban development of the city of Genova within the latest recovery and re-qualification plans.

Member of the Bar Association of Genova, his main area of expertise and specialization within the Italian administrative Law is the regional territory and environmental management, specifically  urban planning and development, public services and public utilizes, public procurement.

He represents clients towards the main administrative judicial bodies, such as TAR and Corte dei Conti, as well as towards ordinary civil and penal courts when dealing with administrative matters.

Since 2003, he is member of the regional association of administrative lawyers Carlo Raggi and has participated as rapporteur to many conventions and conferences focusing on diverse current judicial issues. Since 2013 he is member of the Executive Committee of the same association, with the official function of Secretary.

He collaborates with the administrative section of the magazine Nuova Giurisprudenza Ligure, for which he has authored several publications.

He regularly takes part to the National Forensic Congress as official delegate of the Bar Association of Genova (2012, Bari; 2014, Venezia; 2016, Rimini).


Federico M. Dottori holds a Master’s Degree in Law obtained at the University of Genova in 2010, final dissertation on “comparazione tra le alte corti europee”

Since 2013 , he is member of the Bar Association of Genova. His main area of practice is the Italian civil law and his practice, both at advisory and at judicial level, covers several specific law matters such as debts recovery, condominium law, copyright and intellectual property, successions and inheritance issues, administrative fines.  He is also advising and representing clients in several administrative law matters.

As member of the regional association of administrative lawyers “Carlo Raggi”, joined in 2016 ,  Federico Maria Dottori participates regularly to vocational trainings and sessions.

He collaborates with the administrative section of the magazine Nuova Giurisprudenza Ligure, for which he has authored several publications.

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P.Iva 01451810996



Piazza Galeazzo Alessi 1/12
16128 Genova

TEL. +39.010.562536
FAX. +39.010.5708946